Former South African captain Shaun Pollock takes us behind the scenes in the changerooms to reveal some of the match-day secrets and superstitions of the Cricket World Cup 2023.

The Cricket World Cup 2023 is one of the biggest sporting events in the world, and the players involved prepare for matches in all sorts of different ways. Some players have strict routines and rituals, while others prefer to keep things simple.

In this article, former South African captain Shaun Pollock gives us a behind-the-scenes look at the match-day preparations of the Proteas. Pollock reveals some of the team’s secrets and superstitions, and he also talks about the importance of teamwork and camaraderie in the Cricket World Cup.

Match-day secrets

One of the secrets to South Africa’s success in the Cricket World Cup 2023 has been their attention to detail. The Proteas have a team of analysts who study the opposition and develop game plans accordingly.

On match day, the South African players meet in the changerooms for a team briefing. The briefing covers the opposition’s strengths and weaknesses, as well as the team’s game plan for the match.

After the briefing, the players go through their individual warm-up routines. Some players like to hit in the nets, while others prefer to stretch and do some light cardio.

Once the warm-up is complete, the players get into their uniforms and head out to the field.

Match-day superstitions

Many cricket players have superstitions that they believe help them perform at their best. Some players wear lucky socks or shirts, while others have certain routines that they follow before a match.

Pollock reveals that the South African players have a few superstitions of their own. For example, the Proteas always have a team lunch together before a match. The lunch is usually a simple affair, but it’s a time for the players to bond and come together as a team.

Another South African superstition is that the players always walk onto the field together. This is a way of showing unity and teamwork.


The Cricket World Cup 2023 is a tournament where every match is important. The South African players are aware of the pressure that they are under, but they are also confident in their abilities.

Pollock believes that the key to South Africa’s success in the Cricket World Cup 2023 will be teamwork and camaraderie. The Proteas have a strong team, and if they can stick together and play their best cricket, they will be a force to be reckoned with.

Additional thoughts:

It’s interesting to learn about the match-day secrets and superstitions of the South African players. It shows that even the best players in the world have their own unique ways of preparing for matches.

It’s also interesting to hear about the importance of teamwork and camaraderie in the Cricket World Cup. The Cricket World Cup is a team tournament, and the teams that are able to work together and play for each other are more likely to be successful.

I hope that South Africa can continue their good form in the Cricket World Cup 2023. They have a strong team, and they are capable of winning the tournament.

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