Less than 48 hours before their flight to India, the Pakistani team receives their visas.

Pakistan’s cricket team received their visas for the upcoming World Cup in India less than 48 hours before they were due to fly out, after a delay that had caused significant uncertainty and disruption.

The Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) had been in contact with the Indian government for several weeks about the visas, but they had not been granted until just hours before the team was due to depart. The delay had caused the PCB to cancel a pre-tournament training camp in the United Arab Emirates, and it had also raised concerns about whether the team would be able to travel to India at all.

The PCB eventually received confirmation that the visas had been granted on the afternoon of September 26, and the team was able to fly out to India that evening. However, the delay had caused significant disruption to the team’s preparations, and it remains to be seen how it will impact their performance in the World Cup.

What caused the delay in issuing the visas?

The reason for the delay in issuing the visas is unclear. However, some media reports have suggested that it may have been related to ongoing political tensions between India and Pakistan.

India and Pakistan have been rivals for decades, and they have fought several wars against each other. The two countries have also been involved in a number of border disputes.

In recent years, relations between the two countries have deteriorated further. In 2019, India revoked the special status of Jammu and Kashmir, a Muslim-majority region that is claimed by both India and Pakistan. This led to a sharp increase in tensions between the two countries.

It is possible that the delay in issuing the visas was related to these ongoing political tensions. However, the Indian government has not commented on the reasons for the delay.

Impact of the delay on the Pakistan cricket team

The delay in issuing the visas had a significant impact on the Pakistan cricket team. The team was unable to hold a pre-tournament training camp in the United Arab Emirates, and it also caused uncertainty about whether the team would be able to travel to India at all.

The uncertainty about the visas caused a lot of stress and anxiety for the players and the coaching staff. It also disrupted the team’s preparations for the World Cup.

The Pakistan cricket team is one of the favorites to win the World Cup. However, the delay in issuing the visas could have a negative impact on their performance in the tournament.

What can be done to avoid similar delays in the future?

The delay in issuing the visas for the Pakistan cricket team was a major embarrassment for the Indian government. It also caused significant disruption to the team’s preparations for the World Cup.

It is important to learn from this experience and to take steps to avoid similar delays in the future. One way to do this would be to improve communication between the Indian government and the PCB. The two organizations should work together to ensure that the visa process is smooth and efficient.


The delay in issuing visas for the Pakistan cricket team was a major setback for the team. It caused significant disruption to their preparations for the World Cup, and it could have a negative impact on their performance in the tournament. It is important to learn from this experience and to take steps to avoid similar delays in the future.

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